BLOOMINGTON, Ind. – This time of year in the Midwest can be known for feeling like summer one day and fall the next.
As we begin to embrace those “fall feels,” it can make you long for the bright burst of colors trees in the Midwestern states offer during October and November.

Rocket Homes has canvassed the country looking for the top destinations for watching the leaves turn, and it’s named Bloomington, Indiana the #1 place for viewing autumn colors in the Midwest.
“From the Hoosier National Forest to the Dunn Meadow, from nature preserves and wetlands to wineries and urban trails, Bloomington has plenty of ways for visitors to immerse themselves in autumn,” reads the list.
The ranking was based on several factors including square miles and percentage of metro area covered in deciduous trees (trees with leaves that change color), freezing temperatures relating to plants, and the area’s elevation.
According to the ranking, the Bloomington area has nearly 60% deciduous tree coverage, and the best day to view the vibrant colors is October 20.
The Charles C. Deam Wildnerness area is around 20 miles from central Bloomington, and to get the ultimate leaf peeping view, you can go all the way the top of the Hickory Ridge Fire Tower.
The 110-foot tall tower is the last remaining lookout tower in the Hoosier National Forest.
If you don’t mind climbing 133 steps to the top, you can get one of the best fall views in the entire Midwest.
The #2 and #3 spots for leaf viewing in the Midwest are La Crosse, Wisconsin and Carbondale, Illinois, according to the list.