MEROM, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV)— With warmer weather approaching, one local community will have a new kind of experience to enjoy.
Merom Camp and Retreat Center is hosting its first annual Merom Camp Summer Music festival. It will take place March 28th from 2 p.m. until dark. There will be music from local talents with different acts every hour.
The money raised will be used to restore some areas at the camp including College Hall. It’s listed on Indiana’s top ten most endangered buildings list. The money will also cover operating costs to help the camp continue to serve the community.
“Little bit for everyone here but what wraps it all together is this Merom spirit. I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with so many local folks here, I’m kind of the new kid at camp, but everyone has their own Merom story and we don’t want to lose that. We want to build and rebuild upon this great heritage that we have right here.” said David Grim, Executive Director of Merom Camp and Retreat Center.
They will be having another music festival later on in the summer on August 9th as well.