VIGO COUNTY, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV) — An up-and-coming sport in the Wabash Valley is disc golf and it’s expanding once again.
After building a disc golf course at Prairie Creek and seeing how much residents are enjoying it, Vigo County Parks is building Indiana’s first championship-level disc golf course.
Adam Grossman, Superintendent of Vigo County Parks, said the course will cost six figures, but they received a $50,000 matching grant from the Indiana Destination Development Corporation.
“The install of this is about $100,000, just in material cost to get this project done”, Grossman said. “By doing a ton of this work in-house, we are able to make that a reality, hopefully by the end of this year.”
The course will have 18 holes with concrete tees, championship-grade baskets, new signage, and improved trails for residents. Grossman said he estimates events will bring in thousands of spectators.
“The championship gold-level course is longer”, Grossman said. “You’ve got pro pads that are going to be longer tee pads than the normal pads. Then you’ve also got to figure out, how are you going to get 5,000 spectators into this facility for a large event, so we have a ton more planning.”
So far, no disc golf aspects have been added to the park, but Grossman said clearing out certain areas have already made a huge difference.
“Right now, at Fowler, all we’ve done is clear honeysuckle and autumn olive”, Grossman said. “We’re really utilizing an underutilized space in this park that I don’t know if anybody has even seen in 20 years because of all the honeysuckle and overgrowth. We would love to do an invasive species removal anyway, then we get the added benefit of a disc golf course as well.”
Grossman said the county’s goal is to be done with the course by the end of the year and hold a grand opening in the spring of 2026.