TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV)— Monday evening, the Vigo County School Board addressed new graduation requirements.
Locally Created Pathways are specialized programs developed by local educational agencies, to fulfill the postsecondary-ready competencies requirement, for Indiana’s Graduation Pathways policy. These pathways are meant to meet the needs of students, to ensure that graduates have the necessary skills and knowledge for success after high school.
The pathways created for Vigo County School Corporation are jobs for America’s graduates, junior reserves officers’ training corps, and civic arts. The pathways follow a model that was approved by the State Board of Education and the Vigo County School Corporation. It will offer these opportunities as a graduation diploma option.
“In education we don’t always do the best job of connecting what they’re learning to how it can benefit them later in life and if kids can understand how it benefits them later in life, they tend to work harder because they want to be successful.” said Technical Education Director Doug Dillion
The locally created pathways will start for the 2025, 2026 school year.