TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV) — Last August, WTWO/WAWV held a “Clear the Shelters” event to get as many animals adopted as possible. Now, reporter Julia Prickett is sharing the story of a successful adoption for Patty and her dog Chewy, as a part of WTWO/WAWV and the Humane Society’s Tail-A-Thon coverage.
“Chewy is the best little dog in the whole wide world far as I’m concerned. He’s very intelligent.. very very (smart). Matter of fact, he’s the smartest dog I’ve ever had,” said Patty Donnerberg, Chewy’s owner.
Donnerberg had been looking at the humane society for a new friend for quite some time before meeting Chewy.
“I had been going up there a lot… I stop by every time I go to Walmart or something, until I got the right one,” said Donnerberg.
After stopping in multiple times, she finally found the right one, Chewy. He’s the perfect dog to keep her company and entertained, he also helps her clean up around the house.
“He kept me from being sad all the time you know. And when I cook he goes in there and watches me cook and stuff. If anything fell on the floor I never had to clean it up,” said Donnerberg.
Donnerberg hopes her success story will inspire more people to consider adopting an animal or donating to the Terre Haute Humane Society in hopes every pet will find their forever home.
“If you love animals, either donate or go get one at the humane society where they are really taken care of and they really need homes,” said Donnerberg.
You can donate by scanning the QR code below, clicking here or by calling 812-460-8447.