TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV) — The Terre Haute Humane Society says they will take in all dogs, including ones found in unusual places. As a part of WTWO/WAWV and the Humane Society’s Tail-A-Thon coverage, reporter Cole Nobbe shares the story of one dog who was found on the side of the road and is still waiting to find his home.
On the last weekend of 2024, a local resident was driving down Wabash Avenue, in Seelyville, when they noticed a large toolbox on the side of the road. Thinking someone had dropped it they stopped to check it out, but what was inside was not just one surprise, but three.
“I’m assuming they thought there were tools in it or something, so they stopped. When they opened it, it was not tools, it was three puppies,” said Maggie Wheeler, Volunteer Coordinator at the Terre Haute Humane Society.
The residents then called animal control, and the county informed the Terre Haute Humane Society of what they had found. Leaders at the Humane Society said the toolbox was located in a ditch, showing no remorse from the owner.
“That was not the act of somebody that was just trying to get rid of some stray puppies and hope I’ll just dump them at Hawthorne Park and somebody will find them and take them home. That was the act of somebody that didn’t care whether those puppies lived or died,” said Wheeler.
At the beginning of February, two of the three puppies were adopted but one, Stan Lee, still remains at the shelter. Wheeler said he is very playful and ready to find a forever home.
“He’s kind of in that teenage phase, so he’s a little bigger now. Sometimes those puppies are harder to adopt because people usually want, at that point, a tiny little puppy or an adult, fully formed dog,” Wheeler said. “He’s very sweet. He’s high energy. But he’s been here a month now, without his siblings, so we’re hoping we can get him out of here soon.”
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