(TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV) – Since 1946, the U.S. Navy Blue Angels have wowed crowds with their precision skills and exhilarating show. This weekend, June 1 and 2, the Blue Angels will perform at the Terre Haute Air Show.
On Wednesday, a special rider took a 45 minute trip high above the Valley. Since 2002, Derek Fell has worked for the Vigo County Sheriffs Department. He is currently the Chief of Operations.
“I report directly to the sheriff and I oversee of variety of sheriffs office, including the jail division, our detectives division, our training division, the front office, and a few other areas,” said Derek Fell.
Fell is also an avid volunteer. He often works with children. He was nominated to be, what the Blue Angels call, a “Key Influencer” in the community. It comes with a 45 minute ride in a Blue Angels F-18 jet. Fell won the honor.
“I am very excited to fly with the Blue Angels. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little bit nervous, but when I got the call telling me I was selected, I was super excited,” Fell said before his ride Wednesday afternoon.
After a briefing on how to handle the breathing and muscle tension that comes with a jet going more than 700 mph, Fell took his ride.
“The high maneuver take off that was awesome, going straight up like that from the afterburners as far as a maneuver we did right before we landed, I almost passed out on that one and I started getting tunnel vision, but I just kept fighting it with the G-strength maneuver they taught you. I didn’t get sick and I didn’t pass out, so I’m happy,” smiled Fell.
(I, Dana Winklepleck, was chosen as the media rider. It was a blast!)
While you won’t be able to ride with the Blue Angels at the Terre Haute Air Show, there are other planes you can pay to ride. Tickets for the air show are still available online. You can also get them at the air show itself.