SULLIVAN, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV) — Sullivan County Community Hospital officials will no longer allow visitors at the hospital campus beginning at 6 a.m. Monday in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
During the restrictions, one visitor may be considered in OB, pediatrics, outpatient rehab, outpatient surgery and the emergency room.
In end of life situations, two visitors will be allowed per patient. A patient who is directly admitted to the hospital may have one visitor present during the admission process only.
All visitors must pass a health screen each day.
State and local health officials stressed that anyone with symptoms should call their doctor or hospital before seeking care. Advanced notice allows our providers to prepare for the patient’s arrival, reducing exposure to staff and other patients.
To reach Sullivan County Community Hospital, call (812) 268-4311.
Anyone with questions or concerns should call the Indiana State Department of Health coronavirus hotline at (317) 233-7125.